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Unconquered Sun Page 12

  On it telepathic communication of warriors of "STING" was interrupted also all three quietly lagged behind a course of "object" and sharply gained height. They should fly directly on Fey's Island - the capital of Skies.


  The residence of their Knowledge - "The Pink Hall" - was located on the high pink mountain, directly in the center of the Island of Fey.

  Fey's island was big, miles 50 in the diameter, space go on, soaring directly in air, is much higher than usual atmospheric clouds. Thanks to the glazootvodyashchy spells of the strongest Fey's Island level imposed on it it was absolutely invisible to the Lower Tselestiya's inhabitants as, for example, ultra-violet or infrared radiation in a light range.

  The Island was similar to a fragrant paradise garden. Each span of the blessed earth was covered with the blossoming exotic plants inhabited by the inhabitants blowing the mind.

  Exactly there - and only there - the strange three-headed speaking parrots flying by air winged snakes were found. Here Oblivion Flowers in which huge buds the adult fairy entirely could be located grew. Grow there and other magic flowers, one of them tell fairy tales, others - sing songs, the third - dance. Depending on contents of the fairy tale, a song or a dancing melody they change color scale on petals: from crimson-red to salad-green. Thanks to them in the evenings Fey's Island becomes similar to a huge New Year tree with its multi-colored fires of garlands blinking in the dark. So wonderful flowers shine.

  On the Island also the fantastic trees soaring in air which move live, making a start roots from the earth as fishes fins and many other strange things which. you will meet anywhere any more

  But the most important miracle of the Island is, certainly, a Pink Hall, the enormous palace labyrinth.

  The hall was not something artificial. He breathed, he felt, he moved. Its walls, columns, balconies and balustrades moved and pulsed. Each of them was twined the fresh flowers feeding on life-giving juice of porous pink fiber of which the Hall consisted. And glasses, windows and doors there were not at all so fresh pink air without ceremony got into its rooms, filling with a fragrance of marvelous flowers whose names have no analogs on the earth.

  If to look at the Pink Hall from height of bird's flight, then it was set of the narrowed concentric circles so from where you came into it - all the same you will come to its center - to the Hall of Meetings. General Council of Community - the Supreme authority of a family of celestial empresses sits at this the Hall from a century.

  The hall of Meetings, in turn, consisted of high stands which, rising above and above, surrounded a pedestal with three purple thrones.

  Now stands were empty, but thrones were occupied. Three eternally young fairies in gold diadems and purple cloaks stiffened on them like stone sculptures entirely shipped in mental conversation, inaccessible for mere mortals, with each other. Though usually only the Second of Three aloud spoke, but any her statement was coordinated and considered by all Three. And therefore those words or orders that proceeded from lips of the Second, were, actually, expression of a single will, uniform thought, uniform Knowledge.


  In pre-dawn hour when the sun rising because of the horizon only just began to gild tops of columns of the Pink Hall, in a throne hall the fairy dressed in a pearl-white tunic with the sparkling ash-white hair and a pearl-white stick in hands flew. On a sleeve and on a breast of its tunic signs of belonging to the Award "STING" were clearly visible.

  - Yes your boundless triune Knowledge stays for ever and ever! - having thrown out the right hand in authorized gesture of a greeting, cried out the ritual phrase of a greeting Pearl-white. Then bent the head before three thrones.

  - Get up, the sister, we here one. Let's do without formalities. Well investigation informed? - quietly and majestically the Second said.

  - Results of investigation - curious. She began to move again. We marked the fact of kidnapping of one of associates by IT.

  - This is the man?

  - Yes, man, husband Hranitelnitsy of the Limit No. 3.

  - What here surprising? As far as we know, she from time immemorial kidnaps them to turn into the gold slaves …

  - I will dare to report that this time she began to act differently. Earlier she burned soul and reason of the person at once, and then already ruled will be to her. Now what undoubtedly follows from the report of our investigation, it for some reason kept his soul and reason whole.

  - What such conclusion is based on?

  - She dared to run big risks, having sent behind it the slave astride an equipment miracle earlier not known to us - the artificial dragon equipped with the heavy-duty engine. Not only that she risked that its new secret weapon will fall to us into hands, so she still sent it for many thousands of miles from the permanent base! It it increased probability of its loss even more. And the most important, in blood of the person the high dose of morphine is found.

  - Your version, sister?

  - My version such is. She for some reason is afraid to burn soul and reason of the new victim ahead of time, and therefore resorts to impact on his consciousness carefully, shchadyashche. From here - notorious morphine and need of the organization of risky stealing.

  - Interestingly, the sister, it is interesting … - the Second told and was lost in thoughts. Pearl-white became silent, tremblingly waiting until telepathic council of Three ends.

  - Your analytical skills, the sister, certainly, deserve a praise, - at last, the Second said. - We were once again convinced that we were not mistaken, having appointed you to the top post of Sacred Hierarchy of Community. Really, her behavior is very atypical. In total with other disturbing news preparation from ITS party of new adventure which threatens to threaten the Sacred Principles of the Order and Prosperity again is available. And, maybe, and existence of the world entrusted us by the Creator … - the Second made a significant pause, having again plunged into mental dialogue with Two Others and even closed eyes to some time. Pearl-white kept the eyes glued from beautiful and wise faces of the Sovereigns.

  At last, the Second of Three opened eyes again and told, also slowly, passionlessly and solemnly.

  - Well, so far ITS intentions are up to the end not clear to us, and therefore we will give IT the chance to make the first course in this party. This time we should not be mistaken as then - our mistakes too expensive cost us … Strengthen a ring of supervision over the territory of the Gold Hall so far and be going to wait patiently, the sister. Having had patience, to wait and hope that the Creator to Whom all of us faithfully serve - here all three Knowledge reverentially put hands on a breast that did not fail to make and Pearl-white, - will give us a sign how to arrive.

  - And how to be with the wife of the kidnapped person, your Knowledge? - reminded Pearl-white.

  - Yes - and-and, it is a pity for her, of course. We have heard a lot about her devotion to our Service and brilliant indicators in work, and also about her passionate love to this person … A worthy example, by the way, for all other fairies of Community! However, maybe, her love to it can be to the good for us …

  - How it? - puzzly raised eyebrows Pearl-white.

  - Well-at-at, at least the fact that the Creator very much appreciates this feeling and often happens so that He makes marvelous miracles to help loving will connect - We repeatedly were to that witnesses. But not only. Its energy in search of darling can be useful to us also by what, perhaps, will be able to push IT to make the rash course, to mix ITS plans and, perhaps, then we will have a chance to strike blow from which she any more will never recover!

  - Your knowledge shakes me, and your ability to expect unknown - admires … - with sincere awe said Pearl-white, declining the ash-white head before three Empresses.

  - Go, the sister, continue supervision over the Gold Hall, but …

  - "But"?

  - … Keep the eyes glued also from the Keeper of the Limit No. 3. You understand what We mean?

  - Yes sir, your Knowledge, everything will be made in the bes
t look!

  With these words Pearl-white flew up and, having saluted, loudly buzzing wings took off from the Pink Hall directly at the top - it crying out violation of etiquette was allowed to soldiers of "STING".

  And the Second of Three plunged into habitual dialogue with other two Knowledge again.

  When all important issues between Them were resolved, all three Knowledge mentally caused an image of the Keeper of the Limit No. 3. It was necessary to enter invisibly consciousness of this fairy and to direct her behavior in the course, necessary for Them. The triune Knowledge intuitively felt that in the forthcoming great war this the modest, in appearance not differing from others fairy, can become their trump card. Perhaps, the only trump card which They will have in an upcoming game. And therefore all should be made especially carefully.

  Chapter 4. Where Prinze disappeared?


  The fairy woke up at daybreak. For the first time in the life she felt some unpleasant weight on heart. All night long it dreamed nightmares.

  Some black arachnoid beings with disgusting zhvala and unblinking cold nasekomy eyes climbed directly on it, clasped with disgusting feelers her thin body, sucked its blood.

  The prince stood nearby, but stayed in such condition of detachment that did not notice it. He resembled some dummy or even a corpse more, than her beloved spouse. But, the most important, - instead of eyes Prinze had empty eye-sockets from which such intolerably burning, such terribly bright light flew. He in different ways repeated same: "It", "infinite perfection", "perfect beauty" so from his words the head, and especially from a sound of its absolutely lifeless voice began to hurt.

  Zhvala and claws of disgusting beings stuck into her body all more sick and more sick. They dragged the Fairy under the earth somewhere. It pulled hands to Prinze, and Prinze looked by it somewhere and spoke and told the same nonsense. At last, the Fairy almost up to the neck was tightened in some black hole by nasekomoobrazny beings. It with the last bit of strength clung to the upper edge of a hole, but forces remained less and less, and all pulled paws and pulled it down. At last, without having sustained, the Fairy released fingers and departed to the chasm …

  The fairy hardly razlepit swelled up and wet from got down eyelids and looked in an open window. Dawn was not yet, the edge of the horizon only just began to brighten. A nightgown, it is equal as a sheet and a pillow it was possible though to squeeze out. Heart was squeezed by lead weight, breath could not return to normal in any way. It never was earlier.

  The intuition of the Fairy prompted that there was something awful. Her fears in a moment were confirmed when she did not see near herself on Prinze's bed. It especially was strange that Prinze never, for all their joint life, woke up before it!

  The most obvious was the first thought of the Fairy - the Prince left, to be exact, ran away! The wave of dull ache squeezed her heart, blood began to knock in temples, in eyes darkened. The fairy mechanically got up, on a habit went down and approached the Source that was in full swing near the house.

  The matter is that every morning the Fairy got up always at dawn, at the first beams of the morning sun. The first yet not bright, pink beam awakened it from a dream. Carefully, trying not to wake ahead of time Prinze who was the big hunter to have a sleep, she got up. Having darted a tender look on sleeping, such quiet and childly an ingenuous face of Kind Prinze, she lovingly corrected a blanket at it on a breast and went to a magic Source that was in full swing near the house. There she washed and sang, having upraised highly to the sky the thin white handles, the anthem to Dawn. This magic song which was sung by all associates, urged forces of nature to help fairies with their hard work on service to the Sacred Principles of the Order and Tselestiya's Prosperity.

  Then she went on the small river and bathed there. Then, umastiv the body rose attar, dressed new clothes. Then the Fairy went to the closest congestion of pink clouds behind magic pollen and cotton candy which made the main food for great representatives of its race and were a source always of vigorous mood, eternal youth and the blossoming health. When the breakfast was ready, the Fairy awoke Prinze, kids and Animals. Such is there was an invariable schedule of life for five years of joint life of the Beautiful Fairy and Kind Prinze.

  And this firm order was broken today.

  Really, why to wash if there are no sunshine yet? Why to sing the anthem if the melancholy how a hand of the dead person, an ice grasp seized heart? Why to make a breakfast and to awake Prinze if Prinze is absent any more and, perhaps, any more will never be? At this thought the Fairy was developed, and, having chilly shrunk from pre-dawn cold, came back home.

  Thoughtlessly, absolutely mechanically, she as a ghost, bypassed all rooms of the house, glanced to the nursery, even to the cellar and on an attic, bypassed vicinities of the house in shy hope to find Prinze, but it was not anywhere. Then it, having slapped itself on a forehead with the words "Here, Silly!", took the magic crystal sphere and, for fractions of a second having created at itself in the head Prinze's image, sent a mental signal to a sphere team: "To look for!" The sphere several times blinked and went out. He did not even try to show anything to the Fairy. And it meant one: The prince in its possession was not.

  And then the Fairy did not sustain. The sphere dropped out of her hands and, having boomingly knocked about a floor, was gone for a bed of the deserted matrimonial bedroom. The fairy failed on a bed and, having buried a face in a pillow, loudly began to sob …


  The first among Animals the multicareful Kitten woke up, as always.

  He with the Puppy and Oslenk slept on the top, on an attic at home. But its attic it was possible to call only conditionally. Actually, it was the full-fledged room, quite spacious, also pasted over with pink wall-paper, with couple of cases, several pictures and pink curtains on windows both a pink shaggy and soft oriental carpet.

  All walls were decorated with pictures with the image of Animals.

  Here the Kitten and the Puppy play dogonyashka - muzzles cheerful, languages outside, eyes are made buldge out - happy! Here Oslenok reads to kids the fairy tale, holding the book on knees, and itself glances over round starushachy points at them - whether fell asleep? And eyes at Oslenk such mild, such kind, just as at the grandmother loving grandsons … Here all Animals together, sit having embraced, and the Puppy - here not to be available to him! - delivered horns to Oslenk … There were also other pictures from their joint life created by Prinze by means of magic of the memorable crystal.

  Animals on one big bed - and why to them different slept? - having embraced as kids, together. When the Fairy was not married, they slept, as well as it is necessary to plush small animals, together with the Fairy. But when she married - here other life began absolutely …

  The kitten woke up from strange feeling. Dreamed it as if he hears some muffled groans. In a dream he and thought: "But whether the ghost incidentally at us was got what?" But when woke up, groans did not disappear anywhere.

  "It is necessary to go to check what occurs", - the Kitten thought about himself and darted a look of disapproval at the sleeping friends: Oslenok with the Puppy such fair sluggards!

  The kitten got up, put on the soft terry pink slippers embroidered with golubenky florets on pads (itself embroidered, tried!), also went slowly to a landing.

  At first he went down to the nursery on the second floor. No, here everything was as it should be. The kitten brushed away tears of emotion: kids with pleasure slept, having strong embraced. Both children were dressed in identical snow-white nightgowns with laces on which brown bear cubs with amusing kind attractive faces were embroidered (The kitten embroidered, who else?!).

  Meanwhile, groans were resumed again.

  Then he went down on the first floor and looked at a wall mechanical clock. "Creator! Half of the ninth! Breakfast!!!", - and the Kitten grabbed greyish pads cheeks. Usually they with the Fairy and the Puppy began to display a breakfast in eight, and in a sex of the ninth already sat down to a table, and
here … Even does not smell of a breakfast!

  "Ah, I, the sleepyhead - zasonya and as I with a breakfast … Stop! Wait! - himself was torn off by the Kitten. - So the Fairy with the Puppy DID NOT WAKE us!!! Oh, the Creator and what happened to it???!!!"

  Kitten fast as stung to one place by a wasp, departed to the room of the Fairy, if it, FOR THE FIRST TIME FOR FIVE THOUSAND YEARS that lives here, missed a breakfast, so and really there was something awful!

  On the way the Kitten, rising by the second floor in opposite part of the house, even fell twice, nearly rasshib to itself a nose and a forehead, lost on the run the amateur slippers - so he hurried to learn what befell the Fairy!

  But just before a door in her bedroom heard heavy groan again. "And suddenly she dies?! Never it I will forgive myself!" - the Kitten thought in despair and flew without knock (that never afforded earlier) to the room. And nearly fell from surprise!

  On a bed the Fairy, in a nightgown, with untidy hair lay, having captured a pillow two hands and having buried in it a face, and did not even sob, and roared as a wounded animal.

  The kitten on tiptoe, silently, as only the cat can, approached a bed of the Fairy and stroked it on a back:

  - Hozyayk-a-a-a, the hostess lovely what is with you, you is bad? Perhaps to bring what?

  Crying for an instant stopped, but then continued with a new force.

  Then the Kitten lay down near the hostess and comfortably zamurchat, trying to warm her the heat, the love caress, all cats when feel that with owners something not so as usual arrive. But also it was vain.

  At last, the Kitten got up - and only now noticed that there is no Prince too!

  Where Prinze disappeared?

  Its place on a bed was empty, the sheet and a pillow were crumpled, and in the house his Kitten did not see too. And here reached it …